Modern Slavery Statement


This statement outlines Synapx intention to act as a responsible business that meets the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.

This statement is made pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and will be reviewed each financial year.

This statement applies to all companies within and associated with Synapx Ltd.

Organisational Structure

Synapx’s employees are based in our central London location.

The main activity of the business is helping companies realise their automation goals by utilising Microsoft Power Platform tools.

Ensuring standards in our supply chain

Synapx is not aware of any human trafficking or slavery activities with our supply chain and require all new suppliers to comply with the UK government’s Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Synapx have introduced and will continue to develop policies and procedures to manage the way it obtains goods and services to keep its supply chains robust.


Synapx acknowledges its responsibilities in relation to tackling modern slavery and commits to complying with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, understanding that this requires ongoing review of both internal practices in relation to our recruitment process and additionally, our supply chains.

Supply Chains

Synapx mandates that its suppliers adhere to and respects this statement as part of their contractual obligations. We promote ethical practices and policies which protect workers from abuse and exploitation within our business and supply chains.

Relevant Policies

Our policies, including:

  • Modern slavery and anti-human trafficking
  • Anti-bribery
  • Whistleblowing
  • Dignity at work

Ensure we fully comply with all relevant employment legislation, to ensure fairness and a safe working environment for all colleagues, whether permanent, contract or intern.


We encourage the reporting of any suspected cases of slavery through our Whistleblowing policy and monitor and track any reports to ensure each case is fully investigated.

No instances of modern slavery have been identified in the last financial year.

Director approval

This policy statement is formally approved by Andrew Price, CEO, Synapx Ltd.

Andrew Price
Synapx Ltd
Date: Financial Year 2023